6 politicians participated in Aarhus:
- Anders Winnerskjold (A)
- Thomas Medom (SF)
- Mette Skautrup (C)
- Jakob Rixen (LA)
- Metin Lindved Aydin (B)
- Stefan Bjarni Gudnason (VP)
Facts about Aarhus Municipality
Members of the city council: 31
Candidates running: 200
Inhabitants: 349.983
Tax rate: 24,53 % (tax for the municipality)
Thomas Medom
Thomas Medom represents the Socialist People’s Party (SF) in Aarhus. He is the alderman of Children and Young People
But what does he answer when asked what he can do to provide a better staffing in the Aarhus daycare service? →
The entire talk
← And what does Thomas Medom thinks about the schools in Aarhus. Watch entire talk and listen to the questions and answers.
Mette Skautrup
Mette Skautrup represents the Conservative Party in Aarhus (C)
But what does she answer when asked, whether the Conservative party view the internationals in Denmark as an asset? and if yes, what are their perspectives on attracting internationals to the Danish workforce? →
The entire talk
← And what does Mette Skautrup think about the public transportation system and sustainability in public buildings? Watch the entire talk and listen to the questions and answers.
Anders Winnerskjold
Anders Winnerskjold represents the Social Democrats (A)
But what does he think: Is a bigger Aarhus a better Aarhus? →
The entire talk
← And what does Anders Winnerskjold think about class sizes and student jobs? Watch the entire talk and listen to the questions and answers.
Jakob Rixen
Jakob Rixen represents the Liberal Alliance (LA)
But what does he answer when asked what the city council in Aarhus could do to help international students from Aarhus that have been studying in Aarhus, to land a position quickly after graduation? →
The entire talk
← And what does Jakob Rixen think about the danish tax system? Watch the entire talk and listen to the questions and answers.
Stefan Bjarni Gudnason
Stefan Bjarni Gudnason represents the Danish Vegan Political Party (G)
But what does he think about urban densification? →
The entire talk
← And what does Stefan Bjarni Gudnason thinks about securing jobs for internationals? Watch the entire talk and listen to all of the questions and answers.
Metin Lindved Aydin
Metin Lindved Aydin represents The Social Liberal Radikale Venstre (B)
Listen to his thoughts about the democratic proces →
Part I
Part II
The entire talk
But what does he answer when asked what the city council in Aarhus could do to help international students, that have been studying to Aarhus, to quickly land a position quickly after graduation? Watch entire talk and listen to all of the questions and answers.