Here are your options for childcare:
If you yourself wish to take care of your child in your own home, you might be eligible for a subsidy, this depending on which municipality you live in. The subsidy varies from DKK 1866 to DKK 7582 per child.
Find out whether you can receive the subsidy here >
You are entitled to a subsidy if you hire a private childcarer if your municipality approve the agreement made between the parents and the childcarer. The municipality will supervise the private childcare. A private childcarer has a maximum of five children.
Family day care
In a family day care normally, the children are taken care of in the daycare’s private home and takes care of children up till the age of three years.
A family day care has a maximum of five children, however if there are two or more to take care of the children, a family day care can have up to 10 children.
There are both municipal and private family day cares.
Day nursery (0-3 years old) and kindergarten (3-6 years old)
The opening hours of the childcare facilities are in most cases Monday-Thursday 6:30 am to 5 pm, and Friday until 4.30 pm.
Childcare is financed partly by the parents, partly by the municipality. Prices differ somewhat depending on the municipality and the type of childcare. Prices for children 0-3 years old are approx. up to DKK 3900 per month including meals, kindergartens often cost less.
Most childcare services are municipal, but there are a great many privately owned facilities as well as self-governing institutions. In the privately owned and in the self-governing institutions the parents have more influence over the operation of the institution. This influence can be sought in the institutions board of parents.
There are some childcare facilities where the spoken language is English, to register please contact the respective municipality. In most childcare facilities you will be able to find pedagogues who speak English.
Subsidy depending on your household income
If your family’s total household income is below a certain amount you can get an extra subsidy from the local authorities, this way it will become cheaper or even free to have your children in a daycare institution. This is called a “økonomisk fripladstilskud”.
If your household income is up til 173.801 you will not have to pay for the daycare
If your household income is between 173.801 till 539.799, you will get a subsidy – which means that you will only have to pay a percentage of the costs
If your household income is more than 539.800 you are not eligible for a subsidy.

Some facts:
18% of children under the age of 1 in Denmark go to the nursery.
86% of children at the age of 1 in Denmark go to the nursery.
How to sign up for municipal childcare services
- Log on to digital placement service (digital pladsansvisning) via
- When you apply for a childcare service, you must consider the date from when you need childcare
- Log on with NemID
- Click on the name of your child
- You can now choose to sign up for childcare, deregister your child or apply for a free place
- You will then get a receipt, which you can save or print out