A bridge-building project
Howtodenmark is a bridge-building project. Our aim is to make sure, that internationals, companies, local societies, Danes and other parts of the society get connected – simply because everyone benefits from it.
The international gets a chance to focus on what is important in their life instead of getting frustrated about the challenges they meet. And the easier it is for the internationals to get Danish friends and the simpler it is for them to navigate through the Danish society, the bigger the chances are, that they will stay in Denmark for an even longer period. And according to several analyses Denmark needs the internationals.
A one-point entrance
Our starting point is the international – whether it is someone coming to Denmark because of work, to study or because of family reunification. We offer a one-point entrance to Denmark and we are the place to begin, when it is time to build a network.
This is not an easy task – But with our help everything about moving to Denmark including meeting Danes, gets a little bit easier.
We believe that people helping people and strong partnerships is the way forward. And we believe that most people have a basic curiosity and wish to learn more about others – they just need a little help.
HowtoDenmark offers a framework where Danes and internationals get a chance to meet in an informal and equal way.
HowtoDenmark also presents all “the need to know” and “nice to know info about Denmark”.
Knowledge is a keyword. And knowledge is what we deliver.