Get started!
Along with your admission letter you will receive a lot of information about your future education institution, information that will prepare you and give you an idea on what to expect.
A good idea is also to read the information available on your institutions webpage.
Be aware that most of the education institutions normally invite the new students to a week of introduction to your new study environment. This is a way to learn a lot about what your new education institution has to offer, get to know your new colleagues and your new city.
Study culture
The study culture in Denmark may be very different from what you are used to in your home country, therefore it might be good to know what to expect from your studies in Denmark.
How about group work?
One of the things that you must be prepared for as a student at a Danish study is that working in groups is very common. At some institutions the group work is ubiquitous and will be used for every presentation and assignment and even for the finals, and at other institutions it might not be prevailing.
Daily life at your educational institution
The form of address in Denmark is in general informal. This is also true for the educational institutions where most teachers are addressed by their students by first name.
The teachers expect you to take an active part in class and preferably ask questions related to the curriculum. Asking questions are considered a good way to dive even further into the curriculum and not necessarily a sign of the students being unprepared.
If you wish to question the teachers view of a certain thesis, go ahead, the teachers are open to new interpretations, new analysis’ and new conclusions.
How do you prepare yourself when you are going to study in Denmark? Howtodenmark has asked xxx from Aarhus University fore a few good advices.
30 ECTS credits per semester
A full time programme is equivalent to 30 ECTS credits per semester. 30 ECTS corresponds to 37 hours work load per week. You will find that at some study programmes you will have to invest much more time to be able to keep up with the work load.
Form a study group
A tip: forming a study group with some of your colleagues is a good way to study and discuss the curriculum but it is also a good way to get to know some of your Danish colleagues.
Final examination
In Denmark most courses have a single final examination at the end of the semester. This means that oral presentations during class, papers that you submit for class, attendance and participation does not count in the final grade.
Examples of examination methods:
- Oral examination on the examination syllabus
- Oral examination on a set subject plus the examination syllabus
- Written examination on a topic from the examination syllabus
- Assignment on a fixed subject (take-home exams)
- Assignment on an optional subject (take-home exams)
At some educational institutions you will also encounter group exams, where some of the examination methods are used.
However, there are a few courses, where you get your grade based on your presentation throughout the semester.

Your finances
Living expenses in Denmark are high, which is why the State Educational Grant(SU) is essential to many Danish students. Every Dane over the age of 18 has a right to receive the SU for his or her further education.
How to apply for SU
The SU for students enrolled at higher education courses is DKK 6.090 per month, which is taxable income.
As an international student you might have a right to receive the same grant and loan and there might be other options to be able to supplement your finances throughout your studies.
At your school or university, you will be able to get general and personal information regarding your options for SU and grants.
You apply for SU in the self-service system “minSU”. You must have a NemID in order to log on minSU from the front page of
SU for EU-citizen
you will be able to receive SU if:
- you have a part-time job besides your studies. The part-time job must be for 10-12 hours per week. It is also possible to receive SU if you are self-employed.
- If you have lived in Denmark for more than five years you can also receive the SU, this without having to have a part-time job or being self-employed.
SU for non-EU citizens
As a non-EU citizen, you might also have a right to receive SU on the following occasions:
- If you are married and your spouse has made use of the free movement within the EU, and your spouse upon return to Denmark is working – you will be able to receive SU. It is important to know that your SU is linked to your spouse’s status as a worker.
- If you have been married to a Dane for at least two years you can apply for SU. You still must be married to him/her when you apply.
- You have worked in Denmark for at least two consecutive years with a minimum of 30 hours per week.
- If you are refugee or here as a family reunified spouse, you will have a right to SU.
Conditions for the State Educational Grant
If you are eligible to receive SU, it is possible to obtain a student state loan of DKK 3.116 per month. You apply for the state loan at “minSU”.
You will have to start paying back the loan when you are done with your programme. The payment plan will be effective from January 1, one year after you have finished your programme. This means that if you finish your programme on June 30, 2018 your payment plan will become effective on January 1, 2010.
The interest on your loan is on 4 % while you study.
You will automatically receive a notice when it is time to start paying back your loan.