Find your way
Every year more than 2 mio. Danes are in touch with the Danish health sector. This is the place, where you can get a little help to find the right place to go if somethings happens to you!
which educations where - just use map
How does referrals work and when are they needed?
Find how who will come to your aid when? When accidents happens it is important to call the right place at once.

How about going to the dentist – is that free?
That depends on how old you are…
This is how it works
In Denmark upper secondary education programmes is referred to as youth education programmes. These programmes can be divided into two:
- General upper secondary education programmes, which primarily prepare students for higher education
- Vocational upper secondary education and training programmes, which primarily prepare students for a career in a specific trade or industry.
Higher education programmes
Higher education programmes are offered at five different types of institutions, each with well-defined profiles and qualities:
- Universities
There are three levels of study programmes offerering first-, second and third-cycle degree programmes in academic disciplines
- University colleges
Professionally-oriented first-cycle degree programmes of typically 180-240 ECTS are offered in fields such as business, education, nursing, engineering and maritime transport The programmes have a strong focus on professional practice.
- Artistic higher education institutions
First-, second- and third-cycle artistic and academic degree programmes in subject fields such as architecture, design, music and fine and performing arts.
- Schools of Maritime Education & Training
- Business Academies
Academy profession programmes offer professionally-oriented short-cycle and first-cycle degree programmes of 90-150 ECTS in fields such as business, technology and IT. These programmes prepare students for performing practical, vocational tasks on analytical basis and may lead to employement in middle-management positions.
How to apply
When you have decided on which programme you wish to apply for you are ready for the application process. It is important to know that how you apply depends on whether you are from an EU/EAA country or not.
If you are from an EU/EEA country
Students with diplomas from an upper secondary educational institution in EU and EEA countries can apply for admission to undergraduate higher education programmes in Demark. These applications will be considered on equal terms with Danish applicants and must meet the same entry requirements.
To read much more on the entry requirements please follow this link
If you are from outside EU/EEA
Non-Danish citizens who do not have a Danish entrance examination are eligible for admission if they have qualifications recognized as being comparable to Danish entrance qualifications.